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Is It Time To Repair it or Replace Your Air Conditioner?

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traje ac unit

Your Air Conditioner: Repair it or Replace it?

Not sure whether to do away with your old AC, or simply opt for an air conditioner repair? No sweat, we’ll lay it all out for you, according to your AC’s age, and advise you on which way to go. More often than not, you won’t need an air conditioner replacement, unless it’s very old and experiencing significant problems. However, buying a brand new energy efficient air conditioner can save you a great deal of money in the long run.

Air conditioners 5 years old and under – Repair

Considering that a majority of manufacturers offer a 5 to 10-year warranty on most of their parts, simply repairing it is probably the smartest option.

AC systems over 5 years old – Repair

In most cases, it’s best to have these older units repaired. However, when the compressor’s warranty is up, or when the compressor fails completely, it’s recommended that you have the entire AC unit replaced. Most AC units this age did not come with a 10-year warranty on the compressor.

Many of the other parts that fail on your air conditioner are usually cost-effective enough to warrant a repair, instead of replacing the unit at this particular age.

AC units over 10-12 years old – Replace

…unless the broken part costs less than about $250.00, in which case, you could have it repaired. Otherwise, just get a new air conditioner. Chances are, the condenser system will probably continue to fail, and your utility bills would likely increase.

AC systems over 12 + years old – Replace

By this age, your air conditioner is probably not very efficient. You can actually save up to 50 percent in operating costs just by increasing the efficiency rating of your air conditioning condenser unit with an indoor evaporating coil.

Buying a New Air Conditioner Unit

Chances are, AC technology has changed drastically since you bought your last one. One of the most technological advancements is the increase of the SEER Rating, or Seasonal Energy Efficient Ratio. The higher the number, the more energy efficient the AC.

Before 1980 air conditioner SEER Rating is 6 or less

1980 – 1985 air conditioner SEER Rating is 7 or less

1986 – 1991 air conditioner SEER Rating is 8 or less

1991 – 2004 air conditioner SEER Rating is 10 – 12 or less

Checking for the SEER Rating on an air conditioner can be done a few different ways. You can find the model number of your current air conditioner and call the manufacturer for the answer; or you can check the energy efficient label on your outdoor, it was made after ‘89.

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