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4 Sounds You Don’t Want to Hear From Your Buffalo Grove, IL, Furnace

woman trying to make a phone call but furnace is making noises

It’s not uncommon for homeowners in Buffalo Grove, IL, to hear a bit of noise from a furnace as it goes about its business. While many of the sounds made by a furnace are harmless, it’s a good thing to know about these four sounds you shouldn’t ignore.

1. Loud Bang

A furnace that makes a banging sound when starting may have a problem with the ignition. The gas valve of your furnace opens once the heating system turns on.

The pilot light supplies the energy you need for ignition. At times, gas buildup in the combustion chamber will cause the banging sound you hear to travel throughout your home via the air ducts.

2. Whistling

A whistling sound from your furnace is evidence that something is interfering with the system’s airflow. Cleaning or replacing an air filter is often all you need to do to remedy this problem. Other possible causes of a whistling furnace include closed vents, objects lodged in air ducts or a blocked return.

3. Rumbling Sound

Furnaces often emit a harmless roar when they first power on. But when the roar begins to become more of a rumbling sound, you may have a problem on your hands. The burner is the likely source, so you need to ask a professional to check it.

4. Scraping

A scraping sound coming from your furnace is a sign that one piece of metal is making contact with another. This sound may be a sign that the blower fan is detaching from the system, and the blades are making contact with its metal interior. It’s also possible that another metal component of the system needs tightening.

If your furnace is making any of the sounds mentioned above, it’s a good idea to call for a professional opinion. Call Besco Air Inc. Heating & Cooling to have one of our NATE-certified technicians find the cause of the sounds and make any furnace repairs you may need.

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