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4 Common Types of Heating and Cooling Filters

HVAC Filters in Lincoln Park, IL

Choosing the right air filter for your HVAC system will make a huge difference in your indoor air quality. Better quality options with higher Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) ratings can more effectively remove dust, pollen, and dander from your air. These are a few of the most common types of residential HVAC filters used in Lincoln Park, IL.

1. Fiberglass Filters

You can find disposable fiberglass filters, one of the least expensive varieties around, at home improvement stores. While they’re easy to access, they’re not great at pulling dust or microscopic particulates from your air. These filters typically have MERV ratings of up to 4.

2. Pleated Filters

The next best filter is the popular pleated option that’s often made of a cotton or polyester blend. This accordion-style filter has more surface area than a flat option, improving its filtration efficiency. These filters usually have MERV ratings up to 8, but there are high-efficiency variations that can reach a rating of 16.

3. Reusable Filters

If you’re not interested in a disposable filter, you can opt for a more expensive washable filter. It will need cleaning regularly and can struggle with fungus growth if improperly dried or stored. Reusable filters will save you money in the long term, but they’re not the best option if you want to maintain high indoor air quality.

4. HEPA Filters

A high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter is one of the best HVAC filters available. It can screen up to 99.7% of dander, spores, bacteria, dirt, and more.

It’s important to remember that the higher your air filter’s MERV rating, the harder your HVAC system will work to pull air. Choosing too strong of a filter can put excessive strain on your comfort system, potentially resulting in more repairs.

Find the best air filter for your HVAC system to minimize airborne debris in the home. Call us at Besco Air Inc. Heating & Cooling for dependable air quality solutions in Lincoln Park, IL.

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